SOL Test Scoring & Performance Reports
Standards of Learning assessments in English reading, mathematics, science and history/social science are made up of multiple-choice and technology-enhanced items or questions that measure content knowledge, scientific and mathematical processes, reasoning and critical thinking skills. English writing skills are measured with a two-part assessment that includes multiple-choice items and an essay.
Student performance is graded on a scale of 0-600 with 400 representing the minimum level of acceptable proficiency and 500 representing advanced proficiency. On English reading and mathematics tests, the Board of Education has defined levels of student achievement: below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced, with basic describing progress towards proficiency.
Performance Level Descriptors
Performance level descriptors are available for SOL tests in reading, history and social science, mathematics and science. These descriptors convey the knowledge and skills associated with each performance (achievement) level.
The achievement levels for grades 3-8 reading and mathematics tests are: Pass/Advanced, Pass/Proficient, Fail/Basic, and Fail/Below Basic.
The achievement levels for science tests, history tests, and End-of-Course (EOC) tests* are: Pass/Advanced, Pass/Proficient, and Fail/Does Not Meet.
* The EOC Writing (2010 SOL) test, EOC Reading (2010 SOL) test, and EOC Algebra II (2009 SOL) test have an achievement level of Advanced/College Path in place of the Pass/Advanced achievement level.
- Performance level descriptors for each grade and course test
SOL Reporting Resources
Recorded presentations related to Standards of Learning test scores and reports and Grades 3-8 Reading and Mathematics Growth Assessment scores and reports are provided to assist teachers in Virginia public schools. Questions about these presentations should be directed to the Office of Student Assessment.
- Using the Student Detail by Question Extract File for Teachers
- Using Standards of Learning Assessment Data to Inform Instruction in Mathematics
- Using Standards of Learning Assessment Data to Inform Instruction in Reading