Open Educational Resources
How do you find Open Educational Resources (OER) that are connected to Virginia’s standards? From a single point of access at, educators can explore, create, and collaborate with resources (all aligned with Virginia Standards) in our growing collection of high-quality OER.
The vision of GoOpenVA is to empower educators and partners with the ability to create and share high quality learning experiences for Virginia students. To support GoOpenVA, the Virginia Department of Education will:
- Increase awareness of the benefits and uses of Open Educational Resources (OER).
- Establish a community of practice to foster, create, share, and leverage resources.
- Understand state and division level use of OER and how to support further implementation.
- Encourage alignment of OER efforts with local and state strategies.
- Acknowledge school division efforts to implement OER.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials (including full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge) that educators freely use and reuse at no cost, and without needing to ask permission. Educators can download a resource, share it with students for free, and, in most cases, edit it in some way to repost the resource as a remixed work.
Join the movement of Open Educational Resources by utilizing and contributing to Virginia's own network. Get started with our GoOpenVA Users Guide or enroll in our Virtual Virginia Professional Learning course.
If you need further information, please feel free to email GoOpenVa’s administrator at
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