School Health Advisory Boards (SHAB)
Per Virginia law (§ 22.1-275.1), each local school board may establish a school health advisory board (SHAB) consisting of representation from parents, students, health professionals, educators and others. The school health advisory board assists with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment and health services.
- Promoting Healthy Students – A Guide for School Health Advisory Boards (PDF)
- The School Health Profiles is a national system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories. and tribal governments. Profiles are conducted biennially by education and health agencies among middle and high school principals and lead health education teachers.
Vision Advisory Council
Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 22.1-273, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) convened an advisory council consisting of representatives of the ophthalmology and optometry fields, and school health to support the implementation of best practices and administrative policies to meet the VDOE requirements for divisions implementing a comprehensive vision program using digital photo-screening methods.